I am a reader. I mean I LOVE to read. And since sex is sort "my thing," I've got some pretty incredible and life-changing books on my shelf. I decided that it was time to share with with you guys. It would be incredibly unfair for me to hoard all of this juicy stuff! So I'm going to start posting a regular series of on my blog and on Instagram about the best books that I've found for exploring and improving your relationship with sex. So without further ado, ladies and gentleman, i give you, "Come As You Are" by Emily Nagoski, Ph. D.
This book is FULL of information that can transform how you think about your body, how you understand and communicate your needs, and it will completely re-educate you. I mean it! Click on the link to the left to get your copy. You can thank me later! :)
My story:
I spent years struggling with orgasms. with a stop and start sex "drive" and with feelings of shame. I couldn't understand why I couldn't orgasm. I felt totally and completely broken. This is what lead me to hypnosis. i wanted to understand what was going on in my mind and break through the emotional barriers that were holding me back. Since I started on this journey, I've discovered who I really am and have found levels of self-acceptance and pleasure that I never thought possible. Part of that journey comes from learning and I challenge you to do the same. Take a class, read books, ask yourself tough questions.
If you are in a relationship where sex can be a point of contention, this book can help you. If you aren't sexually active but want to learn more about pleasure, masturbation, and communication (even with yourself), this book can help you. If struggle with feeling like sex is a burden and you feel like you're losing your sexual energy, this book can help you.
I can't wait for you to read it. Tell me what you think! I look forward to hearing about your journeys.